I'm back! I took a hiatus from blogging for a while when I was feeling the need to be just a bit more private. But my mom likes to tell me that "the whole world" doesn't want to be reminded that I'm pregnant with my posts of what vegetable the baby is the size of this week, or whatever other prego talk I like to mention. So, with her advice in mind, I have decided to start blogging again. That way, anyone who doesn't care to hear about the life of a pregnant lady (don't worry, there will only be four more months of that!) can simply not read my blog posts.
My little man at our Anatomy Scan Appointment. |
But seeing as this is now what I will consider my "safe sharing space" I will gladly tell you that this week I am 26 weeks along, and still in the 2nd Trimester.
I use the Ovia Pregnancy App on my iphone and check it almost daily to see how the baby is growing. The app also gives me information about common things that I will be experiencing at this point in my pregnancy and what to expect at upcoming OB appointments. It's something I really look forward to seeing everyday.
I named this post "A whole new world" because my world is certainly changing. Ross and I have been home for four months now, and I have accepted that I am not going to be able to get hired while I am pregnant, even though I applied for a million jobs. I didn't think about my profile picture showing up when a potential employer searched my name, as many do now. My cover photo and profile pic gave away my pregnancy. So who knows what might have been different if I could have at least landed myself an interview. Oh well, I will just enjoy the time off work. I have always wanted to write a novel, so now would be the perfect time.
The things that have changed:
Please keep in mind as your read my posts, that any bits of info that might come off as "pregnancy complaining" are really only meant be funny, if not relatable or informative. Forgive any "over-sharing". Remember, safe space and have a sense of humor.
- I now have Ross help me put my socks on when he is around. Luckily, summer doesn't require socks very often, though I am one of those weird people who likes to sleep in socks unless I get really hot at night (which does tend to happen more often than not these days).
-I am pretty sure my lady parts and feet are still there, though I cannot see them any longer from standing and looking down. lol
-I love shopping for baby clothes more than buying clothes for myself. I know whatever clothes I wear now are temporary and therefore do not want to buy more than I have to. But baby clothes however, bring them on! Kohls cash and coupons always goes towards baby stuff already!
-I am tired all the time. The whole second trimester magical energy never made it's way into my life. And yes, I am super jealous of all of those spunky pregnant ladies out there who have the energy to jump around and work out still. I actually miss exercise. My body decided not to be able to handle some simple yoga, and my groin muscle has been pulled for about 4 weeks now. Sigh.
-I have always noticed that my friends who were mommies seemed to have a special connection to other mommies. I had wished that they could feel just as connected to me still, a childless friend, but now I get it. I reach out to my mommy friends all the time for advice and clarity. It's such a nice support system.
-Non mommy friends are still super important to me, though I can already feel the drift and it makes me sad. Don't worry ladies, pregnancy isn't contagious! ;) I am still me, only now I am about to experience this great next phase in life called being a mommy!
-My hair! I cut off my hair which was about as long as it had been in years! My long hair was driving me nuts and I was tired to taking care of it and having it take forever to style everyday! Oh, I love it shorter btw!
Before |
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After |
What I am looking forward to:
-The 3rd Trimester! Meaning, being further along, and closer to holding my baby boy in my arms!
-Seeing my little guy at our next ultrasound!
-Having everything we need to set up the nursery.
What I'm afraid of:
-I have already had nightmares about going into labor and not having my hospital bag packed yet. Any suggestions on how soon to pack my bag?
-Going into labor too early, or being overdue. I have friends and co-workers who have had preemie babies, so it's always in the back of my mind. I have also had friends who were super late, so I know that is a definite possibility and probably more likely.
-Any complications. My OBGYN is having us have another ultrasound on Tuesday due to her concern over the baby's growth. I just hope he is indeed growing just fine, and is as healthy as he should be.
-You know, getting huge! Stretch-marks, and a postpartum body. I don't even want to think about it yet.
-Ross not being able to make it to my side in time for the birth. He could be in court, or working hours away. My mom had both my brother and I in about 2 hours. I doubt many women hope for a longer delivery, but I will that day if he can't make it in time.
I am sure everything will be fine and will go perfectly, but there's always the "What ifs?"
Until next time.